14 Depot Square, Montclair, NJ 07042
From Garden State Parkway Southbound
Take GSP to Exit 151. Turn right onto Watchung Avenue towards Montclair. At the
fourth light, turn left onto Grove Street. Drive 1 mile and turn right onto Walnut Street
(Deron School is on the right and a row of shops is on the left). Make a right
immediately after the railway tracks into Depot Square. Soccer Domain will be ahead
of you on the left. Parking is available in the parking lot and on the street.
From Garden State Parkway Northbound
Take GSP to Exit 148. Exit GSP and cross Bloomfield Avenue at the first light, bear
to the left under GSP, and turn right at the Texaco Station, onto Bloomfield Avenue
westbound. Drive 1.8 miles and turn right onto Grove Street (opposite Exxon
Station). At the third light make a left onto Walnut Street, then turn right immediately
after the railway tracks into Depot Square. Soccer Domain will be ahead of you to the
left. Parking is available in the parking lot and on the street.
From Route 280
Take Route 280 East or West to Exit 8B (Prospect Avenue/Cedar Grove). Drive 2.4
miles on Prospect Avenue and turn right onto Bloomfield Avenue eastbound (an
Exxon Station and an Acura dealership are on the left-hand corners). Drive 1.4 miles
and turn left onto Grove Street (opposite an Exxon Station). At the third light, make a
left onto Walnut Street, then turn right immediately after the railway tracks into Depot
Square. Soccer Domain will be ahead of you on the left. Parking is available in the
parking lot and on the street.
From Route 46
Take Route 46 East or West to Route 3 Montclair/Grove Street turn-off. Travel down
Grove Street 3.8 miles. Turn right onto Walnut Street (Deron School is on the right
and a row of shops is on the left). Turn right immediately after the railway tracks into
Depot Square. Soccer Domain will be ahead of you on the left. Parking is available
in the parking lot and on the street.